Professional Shingle Replacement: How to Prepare Your Home

Professional Shingle Replacement1

At Glick Roofing Systems in Hendersonville, TN, we recognize the magnitude of replacing your roof’s shingles. This task has the potential to boost safety levels, energy efficiency and enhance your home’s aesthetic allure. Therefore, our team is here to assist you with careful planning that guarantees a seamless process for you and your loved ones. Preparing adequately isn’t just beneficial for ensuring an effortless shingle replacement project but also safeguards your property while easing stress on everyone residing within the household. Contact us at 615-265-0598 for a consultation.

1. Understand the Scope of Work

Prior to commencing the work, it is important to thoroughly converse with your roofing specialist regarding project details. Familiarizing yourself with the nature of tasks involved, duration required for completion and materials employed facilitates setting achievable objectives and readies you for forthcoming engagements.

2. Secure the Area

Professional Shingle Replacement

Replacing your roof can impact both the inside and outside of your house. On the interior, intense vibrations from heavy equipment could shift or dislodge objects on walls or in attics; therefore, it is advisable to either secure hanging pictures/mirrors/attic items well or remove them altogether. Similarly, when working outdoors ensure that cars/patio furniture/other valuables are relocated away from work areas so as not to risk unwanted damage due to accidents.

3. Prepare Your Family

It is important to involve your family in the discussion of project timeline, with emphasis on potential noise disturbances. For those who have young children or pets at home, it may be necessary to make arrangements for them to stay elsewhere during critical work periods – especially on days when there will be significant construction activity taking place.

4. Protect Your Landscaping

It’s recommended to have a conversation with your contractor about the steps they plan to take to safeguard your landscaping during renovations. To further ensure protection, you can consider covering any nearby flower beds or shrubs close to the house in an effort to prevent them from being damaged by falling debris.

5. Plan for Waste Removal

To keep your property safe and clean during roof replacement, ensure that your contractor has a waste removal plan for disposing of the considerable amount generated. This should include provision for regular dumpster removals.

6. Notify Your Neighbors

Being thoughtful and notifying your neighbors about the project is crucial, as it may have an impact on them. Supplying them with a timetable can reduce any disruptions like noise or temporary parking issues to a minimum.

When it comes to preparing for shingle replacement, Glick Roofing Systems provides comprehensive planning and communication assistance. Our dedicated team in Hendersonville, TN is committed to guiding you throughout the entire process – minimizing any potential stress. To begin your project today, contact us at 615-265-0598 for a consultation. Let our experts handle all aspects of preparation while keeping your family informed every step of the way so that you can rest easy knowing your home will be perfectly prepped when complete!